It's time for a single, secular school system in Saskatchewan.
A unifying, secular school system will bring our province together, reduce wasteful duplication of services and put education tax dollars in classrooms where it matters for students.
And now with the economic challenges facing our province, there’s no better time to unite in a single, secular school system. |
Diversity is our strength.One school system will bring our province together in a spirit of fairness that respects the rights of all students.
The current model is not working.Operating both the separate and public school system requires twice as much administration. Too much money is spent paying for administrators at the top instead of supporting students in the classroom.
Religious freedom is important.Families have a right to raise their children according to their religious and cultural beliefs, but there are many ways to teach and practice religion, both inside and outside of schools. A single, secular system would open the door for all children to learn about a diversity of beliefs and world religions, including (but not limited to) the Catholic faith.
It's time for a change.A lot has changed since 1867 when section 93 of the Constitution Act set out denominational school rights. We don’t have one room schools anymore, and students arrive by bus, not horse and buggy. This is the 21st century, and our laws need to reflect today’s challenges and opportunities. It's time to end millions of dollars wasted on duplication of services and legal battles to prop up this unsustainable system. It's time to put money in the classroom, not the courtroom.
The solution is simple.Making the legal change to one school system is relatively simple. The provincial government can amend the legal requirement for a separate school system at any time, much like Newfoundland and Quebec did in the 1990s. In fact, Saskatchewan is just one of three provinces that hasn't already made this change.
The Ministry of Education is committed to the success and well-being of all Saskatchewan learners and the enhancement of literacy for all Saskatchewan people. By putting the needs of each and every student first, we will ensure that our province has a highly skilled and highly educated population that will contribute to the success of our province. -
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